Monday, 7 July 2014

Day 33

After a great weekend in the Tri-Cities I was back on the road again today. I can't say enough about the hospitality shown by Stan & Jessie, making me feel like I was right at home. We shared great conversation over the three days and an evening I was there, they prepared amazing food all weekend long, and we all relaxed as much as possible. Time seemed to fly by much too quickly though, I guess that's what happens when you don't really keep a schedule.

Upon arriving in Pasco on Thursday we spent a little time catching up (I was mostly trying to cool down after a sweltering ride). We had made plans to go to a baseball game, eventually making it for the final few innings. The next night we returned to the same stadium for the Independence Day fireworks, which were really good. Seeing as how I never saw any Canada Day celebrations I decided to combine the two events. I enjoyed the display of patriotism, something that's very important to a country's future in my opinion. We often get caught up in all the problems of the day but when one takes the time to stop and think we have it really good in North America. Like the song says, at least we know we're free!

We were up until the wee hours last night talking, only retiring at around 1am. I had to pack my bags to get ready for today as I didn't want to do that in the morning. Once I laid down I couldn't seem to fall asleep, finally drifting off well after 2am. A 5 hour night isn't really enough, but the time spent re-charging over the weekend carried me over. We said our goodbyes, something I don't really enjoy as it brings with it a sense of finality. I look forward to the next time we meet, as I consider the two of them some of my closest friends. They left for a doctor's appointment and I pointed my front wheel north to begin the trip home. I wish you all the best in the coming weeks as you welcome a baby into the world Stan & Jessie!

It was already hot in the morning, and the temperature kept rising into the afternoon. As sweltering as it seemed at times, it is a welcome change from the damp and cold weather that I experienced so much of. I didn't really look at temperatures during the day, but it felt similar to the mid to high 30's that have been around for the last 6 days. The ride today took me through Moses Lake and up to the border crossing at Osoyoos, then up through Pentiction, Summerland, Kelowna, and ending in Vernon. I was at the hotel around 6, a little earlier than usual but I needed to catch up from the short night. Traffic in the Okanagan was heavy today, tourist season seems to be in full swing now. I'll probably ride to Hinton tomorrow and then do the final leg home on Wednesday. Both the front and rear tires on the bike are getting close to worn down, and if there's time I may end up replacing them in Edmonton.

Farm land a little north of the Tri-Cities

Following the Columbia River north

Leaving the River valley

Back in Canada, north of Osyoos 

Looking south at the Skaha Lake
Penticton in the left of the picture
Route I took today

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