Thursday, 10 July 2014

2014 Bike Trip Wrap-Up

After uploading pictures from my phone to the computer I took some time to go look through them. It's almost hard to believe in some ways that it's real. It seems that while one is on the road the days just go by, feeling almost like a whirlwind. As much as I enjoyed the trip (I'd do it again in a heartbeat, even knowing how much rain I would get) I probably tried getting too much into the 5 weeks. I sometimes refer to the last two trips as scouting trips, getting a feel for which places I'd like to return to someday. Having said that, it's impossible to see everything and to ride every road. Taking pictures (exclusively with the iPhone this year) and riding through new areas is what I enjoy, crowds and packed touristy areas not so much.

Photography goes hand in hand with new adventures, and it's a hobby that I can see myself getting a little more involved with. Over the long winter months the pictures are what trigger memories and help stave off cabin fever. It's also a fun way of sharing the adventures with others, mostly via the blog.

I spent the day doing laundry, washing everything that traveled with me, entering my trip information into the computer, and washing my (very filthy) motorcycle. As strange as it may seem to some, I had the itch to get on the road today after cleaning the hog. It becomes a way of life it seems, tempered by the necessity to work and earn money. Trip planning for next year is already in the preliminary stages and will continue through the winter months. It will be shorter and less miles I'm sure (my bosses at work may not be on board with this much vacation time every year). I want to thank them for allowing me the time to live some of my dreams, it really is appreciated!

Here's a few stats from the trip, those that know me personally know that I'm obsessive about keeping track of the numbers:)

9 provinces visited
13 states visited (10 new to me)
$3778.72 spent on hotel rooms
$1435.61 spent on gas
64 fuel stops
1,031.428 liters of gas
$1.47/L average in Canada
$1.19/L average in the USA (in Canadian dollars)
47.8mpg - 5.9L/100km - 39.8 USmpg
944km was the most in one day
196km was the least in one day (touring PEI)
Just under $150 per day for lodging and gas

I had 6 non-riding days over the 35 days I was on the road, 1 because I wanted to let the rain pass by and the other 5 to spend time with friends and family.

Today I've had my current bike 1 year, 28,357km on the odometer so far. In 25 and a half months of owning bikes I've had 51,711km trouble free (including around 12 months of winter). My car is feeling neglected, only 36,000 on the odometer in 61 months, just how it should be! Sorry, but I did warn you I'm a stats freak:)

To any fellow bikers I may have met on the road and didn't wave to, I'm sorry. My arm would be falling off I had waved to each one, although I enjoy the tight-knit community of bikers when I'm on the road. Almost everyone I talked to was friendly, bikers and non-bikers alike, something that makes the trip that much more of an experience.

Adios for now, keep the shiny side up and the wind in your face. Cya somewhere on the blacktop:)

Starting to get some more color on the maps now, can't wait to see the remaining white ones!

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