We ran into a little weather north of Valleyview, though we certainly missed the brunt of the storm hiding in the clouds. It wasn't a light rain, but not a very heavy rain either, lasting about 15 or 20 minutes. Just a little before dinner we arrived in Grimshaw, where we spent the night. Leona's dad, sister, and her family eventually all showed up and we ate a delicious dinner. It was nice to relax and spend time with family, though once again the evening flew by.
The next morning we made our way to Manning, spending some time there with Tye & Wanda at their new place. Throughout the afternoon the clouds kept getting darker and eventually there was a decent rain shower. After the shower was over we decided it was a good time to make the final leg of the trip to our home.
For most of the 2 and a half hour ride home it looked like we would get very wet, but only caught a few drops the whole way. After stopping to say hi to my folks, we finally arrived at home just after 7pm. It was a great trip even though right now it feels like a blur. We could have spent so much more time down south, and hopefully we get the chance someday to go back. Now it's time to get back to our regular lives, pay some bills, and save for the next adventure!
After hours of riding through the middle of nowhere the last couple days, we now have to cross this river and ride another half hour or so to where we live in the middle of nowhere
How many kilometers did you end the trip with?