Once again I'm at home, looking back at another trip, feeling satisfied at being granted the chance to do what I was able to do this year. The good Lord brought me safely through another long ride, which I'm always grateful for, no mechanical breakdowns or accidents. There's always the possibility of an accident no matter how careful one is, especially in some of the high traffic areas. I also can't say enough about how well the bike ran again on this trip, though it was running way too hot until I finally did the stage 1 on the way home. People can say what they want about the Harley's, they've been performing well for me in the last three years.
Reflecting back, if I would have known how things played out, I would have taken a little more time in Arizona and done my routing through California differently. I was expecting to spend at least two days in the Yosemite area, and though I still could have seen the national park, it wouldn't have been the same without the chance to ride the Tioga and Sonora passes. Hindsight is always 20/20 though and weather is unpredictable. All in all, it was an awesome trip, and I guess I'll just have to go back to Arizona and California again sometime. Almost every state I've visited so far has a lot left for me to see, and if I get the chance to see more I'll count myself blessed.
Three years ago today I picked up my Heritage Classic, my first Harley. I figured I'd enjoy riding, though at that time I didn't realize I'd get the chance to experience what I have so far. Just under 70,000km in the saddle so far, 9 provinces visited, 23 states visited, and untold amounts of great riding and scenery up to this point. The life experience I've gained over the trips is immeasurable, the great interactions with the many people irreplaceable. It's cost me some money, but money comes and goes, the memories will be with me forever (hopefully) and it's been worth every penny spent.
Seeing so many people on the road, seeing how hard some have to work just to get by makes me realize how fortunate I am to get the chance to do what I do. It's done wonders for me mentally to get out and see some more of North America, and those that make it the wonderful place it is. Sharing the experience via this blog has been fun, though there are times when it would be fun to share it with friends/family in the moment instead of seeing it alone. I thought maybe someday there would be a lady on the passenger seat to share it with, but they are very elusive;)
Here's a few stats from the trip this year:
10 states visited (4 new to me)
$1.16/L average for gas in Canada
$1.09/L average for gas in USA (Canadian dollars)
47.8mpg - 5.9L/100 - 39.8USmpg (exactly the same as last year!)
623.706L of gas used
Gas was much cheaper in Canada this year compared to last year, and still cheaper in the USA as well, even though the dollar is weak right now. Hotel costs were a little more expensive overall, though not even by that much. Some of that was poor planning on my part, I was a little unprepared when setting off this year.
Hopefully I can do a lot more riding this year, though it will mostly be locally I imagine. I'm also looking forward to getting back out on the golf course, trying to make the most of our short but awesome summer. Keep the dirty side down, see you somewhere in the wind!
Updated states visited map (motorcycle only)
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