Friday, 27 June 2014

Day 23

The prospect of an easy day ahead of me today was clouded (pun intended) by the weather forecast for where I was going. After loading the bike for the 23rd time, I rode over to a restaurant for a nice breakfast to start the day. I was up early enough so that I could take my time.

Once I got out on the highway the sun was actually out for quite a bit of the ride, a very pleasant development. It was fairly windy today as there isn't much in western Minnesota or North Dakota to block the wind, but it was mostly at my back until I reached Fargo, ND. This whole trip I've been hoping I could break the 400km mark on a tank of gas, having multiple opportunities so far but the uncertainty of available gas has kept me from getting there. Today was going to be the day, easily on pace for it as I crossed into North Dakota. Unfortuantely the wind that had been kind of at my back turned into a nasty cross wind that started chewing through my gas much too quickly. I pulled into a gas station of the interstate with 384km on the tank, the bike sputtering as I shut it off. I'll get it somewhere on the trip yet, as I do carry a small 1 gallon gas can that's designed to fit in one of the back corners of the bags.

By that point it was also becoming very obvious that it wasn't going to stay dry for too much longer, and I booked it to Jamestown with no unnecessary stops. I grabbed a quick bite to eat for lunch when I arrived, and then checked into my room to unload the luggage for the service appointment. I got to the shop at a little after 2pm, almost an hour early. I got my work order written up and we rolled my hog into the service bay minutes before the sky exploded. The timing was perfect and I was quite happy to avoid the massive thunderstorm that rolled through for the next three hours. 

Shout out to the boys at Stutsman HD here in Jamestown, they treated me better than I've ever gotten treated at any shop, including the place I bought my bike. The most friendly staff I've met so far, too bad it's so far from home or this would become my go-to place to bring the bike. Their shop rate here is also only about two thirds of what the shops in Alberta are charging, and the mark up on parts and accessories seems to be lower as well. I had noticed some extra oil on the left rear shock the other day when I was adding air, but totally forgot to mention that when I booked it in. They obviously did their job going over the bike, because that got fixed (under warranty). Good thing that was warranty, it's $192 for one of those!

They had a used bike sitting on the show room floor with some aftermarket mufflers on it, one of the brands I've been looking at. One of the sales guys was happy to fire up the bike so I could hear it, and just like that the sale was made! I didn't do the stage 1 or head pipes as I'm going to be broke enough once I'm back at home, but it does sound better already. It also looks way better in my opinion, and the rest of the stage 1 stuff I'll maybe do in winter or next spring. They recommended a new front tire as it's getting to the point where it will have to get changed out soon. I'm hoping it lasts another 6000km or so and then I can do both at once.

After I was done at the shop I rode back to the hotel, the rain almost done by then. I parked the bike and walked down the street for dinner. After the meal I walked over to the Wal-Mart to grab some supplies I needed and then watched some of the NHL Entry Draft on my iPad. They don't seem to care about that down here as not one channel on TV had it on. I haven't cared much about hockey either after the third round, not even watching a minute of the Cup final. Overall I've barely used the TV's in the rooms I've stayed it, and I can't say I miss TV much. It's so easy to get consumed by technology to the point where it run's a person's life. When one can control it, it can be very useful, but if it takes control then I feel like one loses out on living life to the fullest.

Tomorrow will be a full day of riding again, looks like it will be the most miles put down in a day so far on the trip. I'll be in Swift Current for Sunday, and possibly Monday as well as I need to get some laundry done again. After that I plan to ride through Glacier National Park on the way to see friends in Washington for the Independance Day weekend, before returning home the following week. Can't believe I'm this far into the trip already, seems like the day's are just flying by. It will be good to work again once I'm back though, so I can start saving money for next year's ride!

My bike has 4" cannons now:)
Looks much better, and also sounds a little better too. The bike will be pretty loud once I do the head pipes. I always seem to think I want to keep it quiet, but Harley's just need to be loud!
Played around on my (very expensive) riding jacket tonight

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