We got to Rocky Mountain Honda just before lunch and got checked in with service and parts. The boys at this shop are really awesome to deal with, they've actually treated me better than the Harley shops ever did. I would have had to do tires yet this summer but figured I'd wait, that is until they gave me 40% off on the tires. It was an easy decision to get them swapped and now I'll be good until next year. Service and Parts were both great today, I'd highly recommend this store if anyone is in the market for Honda products.
Once that was taken care of Leona and I walked over to the Tim Hortons for lunch. We had both been looking forward to an awesome coffee and we weren't disappointed, lunch was good. We ended up sitting in the dealership for almost two hours as they completed the work. Unfortunately they had one little glitch, so that part will have to get shipped up north where I can install it myself.
About 3:30 we were out of there, headed for Airdrie. We spent a little time with Bobby, Alana, Scarlett, and Bobby's brother Thomas. It was nice to see them again, have dinner, and get reacquainted with our little niece (who is cute as a button I might add). Our time with them went much too quickly, would have been nice to spend more of it with them.
The skies were quickly becoming dark so we got back on the road at 8pm. We had a hotel room booked in Red Deer, in hindsight I'm not sure why we didn't just stay in Airdrie. It worked out well though, only having about 15 minutes of rain to deal with on the one hour ride. Hopefully we get decent weather for the ride tomorrow, and for the final leg on Saturday.
Picture is blurry, but that's what we rode into leaving Airdrie. Thankfully it only lasted about 15 minutes